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The Legion of Doom

[related: Masters of Deception, Doom Mountain] [disambiguation: Legions of Osiris)

Founded by Lex Luthor AKA Raavan following his acrimonious departure from the Knights of the Shadow, the Legion of Doom (LoD) was a notorious hacker group active from around 1980 to the late 1990's. Along with the Masters of Deception [1], the LoD was known as one of the most formidable hacking groups in the world. Reported LoD members included the notorious outlaws by Erik Bloodaxe and Phiber Optik, MindVox founders Dead Lord and Lord Digital, and Steven Jackson Games employee Loyd Blankenship AKA The Mentor. Operating from sister locations in remote areas of the northern US, LoD/MoD members formed the vanguard of both hacking and phreaking technique development. Despite a focus on the implementation of non-destructive acts of digital disobedience techniques, the LoD headquarters (dubbed Doom Mountain) were later raided by the FBI following alleged evidence of an underground weapons ring, leading indirectly to the Great Hacker War, a conflict of passive and destructive ideologies within the larger hacking community.

While the majority of the LoD supported nonviolent methods of protest and subversion, a vocal minority of dissonants advocated for the implementation of aggressive techniques alongside the spread of malware and data breaches. On October 14 of 19XX, a list of demands known as “Luthor’s 95 Theses” was anonymously published on a public forum page, highlighting an increasing dissatisfaction with the LoD’s operations and demanding that the organization take immediate action against its enemies. These agitators were quickly silenced by the upper echelon of the LoD, resulting in a temporary ban on outside communication being placed on all LoD members.

Thirteen days later, the FBI’s raid on Doom Mountain would finally cause tensions to spill into violence, as many historians speculate that the publication of the “95 Theses” allowed federal agents to triangulate the location of the syndicate’s headquarters. Following the raid, over 50 members of the LoD were excommunicated for their supposed involvement with the leak. These exiled members quickly joined forces to establish the “Masters of Deception" and launch a counterattack against their former allies, setting the first phase of the Great Hacker War in motion. The resulting conflict would grow to encompass over 18 different hacker nations across the US, including the Texas-based Cult of the Dead Cow and the hacker/rap collective Konami Dream, causing numerous ideological schisms among allies and enemies alike.

  1. Recent theories posit the LoD and the MoD as essentially one larger interconnected organization artificially bifurcated in order to avoid governmental prosecution