[related: Lethe][see also: Asphodel Meadows, Dactyls, Osiris, etc.]
The Greek Underworld AKA Land of the Dead. Positioned at the "end of the ocean", Hades is riddled with rivers, incl. Styx, Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, Cocytus, and Oceanus. The Kingdom of Death's entrance is guarded by many literal and mythological beasts including [but not limited to] Centaurs and Chima. Souls entering Hades were beseeched to provide the psychopomp Charon with an Obolus to ensure safe passage. At the deepest depths of Hades lies Tartarus, a pitch black abyss of nothingness reserved for the gravest transgressors of honor and duty. In contrast, Asphodel Meadows was a land of milquetoast indifference for the Scranton-used-car-salesmen types. A bastion of masochism, the Mourning Fields were reserved for those who drown in the deep, dark pool of unrequited love, ex. Dido and Phaedra. The realm of Hades - named after its eponymous Greek God, an equivalent figure to Osiris in Egyptian culture - is considered separate from Elysium. Various living or semi-living peoples reportedly resided in Hades' depths, funneling its cosmic darkness into groundbreaking magick and/or metallurgical practices. See: Rhodian Dactyls.