Christian Mythology AKA Christianity
[related: Jesus of Nazareth]
Complex and at times contradictory mythological system based on various interlocking tenets. Central to the practice of Christianity is an unwavering belief in the supreme sanctity of Jesus of Nazareth, a miraculous messianic figure conceived via immaculate conception. In Christian lore, Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion by Pontius Pilate, essentially as state representative, under the charge of heresy, only to later rise from the dead. Christian lore posits that humans are inherently sinful and deserve retribution, a dual fundament dating back to two inextricable fables: the Exile from Paradise/Fall of Man, and the Great Flood/Great Catastrophe[1]. Early Christian scripture skewed metaphysical, as laid out in the Septuagint, containing various doctrines on meditation, magick, and equality - subjects later deemed apocryphal by the stuffy and state-sanctioned Church Fathers. Gnosticism continued these streams of practice in the wake of Christianity's veritable institutionalization. Occultism and Satanism would later pilfer and morph aspects of both fundamental and apocryphal Christianity into divergent systems. Although currently the most prevalent mythological system in the United States by any measure, anti-Christian symbology and sentiment can be found dotting the landscape of popular culture, a trend most exemplified by the hair metal musical genre [2]
- ↑ Similar concepts can be found throughout various ancient, and modern, mythological systems.
- ↑ See: "Jesus of Nazareth, go to h***."