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[related: Enoch, Book of Enoch][disambiguation: Megatron, Tefillin]

Ancestor of Noah and namesake of Enochian Magick. As detailed in the Septuagint, Enoch was taken alive by God into Heaven after living for 365 years and transmuted into an Archangel capable of retaining corporeal form for use in direct human communication. His angelic form is referred to in various Gnostic and Apocryphal texts as Metatron [1]- a term largely purged from biblical doctrine by the Church Fathers. Significant lore originally associated with Metatron was subsequently and misleadingly attributed to the Archangel Michael. Metatron's role as an intermediary between God and Man, however, remains central to Judeo-Christian mythology in various Apocrypha, including the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel. Jewish Tefillin - a small phylacterion [2] "Cybernetics" containing selected bits of prophetic and enigmatic scripture of apotropaic purpose - often relates to Metatron, and his name is synonymous with "active intellect". Islam traditionally recognizes the active presence of Metatron, commonly referring to him as "angel of the veil". Forms of apocrypha are attributed to Metatron himself, often grouped together by scholars into the controversial Book of Enoch [3], a series of visionary documents centering largely around eschatology and outlining the role of extraterrestrial Watchers and Giants in the creation of humanity - concepts later explored in Blumrich's The Spaceships of Ezekiel. The Epistle of Enoch, usually listed chronologically last in the Book of Enoch, outlines in detail the name and provenance of all fallen Archangels, including the origin and role of Lucifer [4]. In various forms of Gnostic literature, Metatron is commonly seen as having achieved what might be called "full enlightenment" and gained access to a non-spatial non-temporal plane of existence. Thus, like the Buddha, Metatron can be said to exist as an omnipresent though not omnipotent fulcrum point between Samsara and Nirvana.

  1. In fact, in certain literature, Metatron is also used to refer to the Tabernacle itself.
  2. Roughly "protectant" in Greek - in common day the term Phylactery is used interchangeably with Tefillin outside of the Jewish culture, but traditional covered a wider varied of wearable amulets and charms meant to ward off discarnate forms of evil.
  3. Documents that had fallen into obscurity until referred to in History of the World, a 1616 text by Sir Walter Raleigh written while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London (reportedly driven mad by the constant ringing of carillon bells).
  4. Somewhat paradoxically listed by Enoch as both Satan and "helper of God".