A visuo-conceptual system for understanding human behavior of nonuple composition and a disputed origin. Scholars have traced similar ideas in the work of Evagrius the Solitary, an Egyptian Christian ascetic mystic of the 4th-century. The contemporary Enneagram is most commonly associated with Oscar Ichazo, a Bolivian-born spiritualist and guru to many notable public figures including Alejando Jodorowsky. The Enneagram has long been connected to the realm of the occult, where it is commonly viewed as a tool for understanding hidden spiritual truths. Throughout the early 1980s [1], The Enneagram experienced a surge in popularity based on discoveries in the field of neuroscience, specifically in the area of neuroplasticity. The Enneagram is thought to work by tapping into the power of the unconscious mind, helping individuals to access deep-seated emotions and memories that may have been repressed or forgotten. This is accomplished through a process of "subconscious reprogramming" often involving the use of additional symbols, archetypes and imagery.