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[related: Cinemax]

Debuting in 1980 as a 24-hr movie channel focusing on films of the '50's and '70's, Cinemax became colloquially known as Skinemax following the controversial launch of its Friday After Dark series - the first basic cable programming block to explicitly depict sexual intercourse. The success of the series led Cinemax to extend adult programming to each night of the week, and to become the first movie channel to actively program R-rated movies during daytime hours. The late 1980's saw Cinemax expand its offerings into original programming and music-oriented content including the A.I.-based absurdist comedy series Max Headroom. Despite the widespread brand recognition and popularity of its Skinemax moniker, Cinemax unilaterally halted all adult programming following the acquisition of its parent company TimeWarner by Ma Bell.