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Gowanus Canal AKA Lavender Lake

Superfund site in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. At one point the most polluted waterway in the United States due to high concentrations of fecal coliforms, other pathogens (incl. "black mayonnaise"), and blebs of non-aqueous phase liquid. The Union St. and Carroll St. bridges are the primary conduits between the post-industrial wasteland of the Gowanus Valley and the cascading brownstone manions of Park Slope and Carroll Gardens. In 2013 the Gowanus claimed the life of "Skippy", a 7-foot 340 pound male dolphin trapped in the canal, an event heavily publicized in the New York media [1].

  1. Following a necropsy by marine biologist Kimberly Dunham, it was revealed that "Skippy" had in fact sought out the toxic waters of the Gowanus in order to self-euthanize. At the time of his death, the dolphin was suffering from kidney stones, stomach ulcers, parasites, mental illness, and had not eaten in almost 30 days.