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[related: Silurian Hypothesis]

Robotic looking self-replicating virus composed of protein encapsulated DNA. Phage have been used experimentally by Soviet scientists to preserve food and virophage. There are thought to be around 1031 phages on earth - more than every other lifeform combined. It is estimated that over 75% of all marine bacteria is infected by phages. The metallic, mechanistic appearance and highly advanced/efficient self-replication methods of phages has led to speculation that they in fact constitute nanotechnology of either ancient or alien origin — an idea supported by the Silurian Hypothesis [1].

A crudely drawn diagram of a magnified phage. Its appearance is similar to a gemstone held aloft at the tip of a corrugated cylinder, perched on six arachnidian legs.
  1. An academic paper authored by climatologist Gavin Schmidt and physicist Adam Frank postulating the existence of an advanced reptilian species pre-dating the age of the dinosaurs. Taking its name from the Dr. Who television series, the Silurian Hypothesis points out that certain extant seemingly biological systems may in fact be remnant advanced technology. The Silurian Hypothesis in turn relates to the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory central to Illuminati texts.