Quantum Loop Gravity AKA GLP [related: Planck Length]
Most successful extant theoretical attempt at incorporating both quantum theory and general relativity into a new standard model. Central to Quantum Loop Gravity (QLP) is the hypothesis that spacetime itself (not just energy) is quantized. In QLP, space/time is essentially pixelated, with each pixel being a binary bit, similar to the use of liquid crystal displays used in commercial televisions starting in the mid-1980's [1]. The equivalent "pixel" in space/time, according to QLP, is the Planck length, a measure of squared space roughly equal to 10-35 meters. Mathematically speaking, the Planck length represents a singularity- the dimension at which classical physics goes berserk[2], yielding nonsensical answers riddled with infinite results [3]. Despite its mathematical origins, QLG paints a startling picture of reality - a two-dimensional, observer-dependent bit space exhibiting aspects of both simulation theory and the holographic principle.
- ↑ The 8-bit graphic technology used by Nintendo, Atari, Sega, and other early gaming platforms also featured pixelization.
- ↑ Ex.:
- Classical physics calculates the empty vacuum of space to be a bastion of electromagnetic energy infinite in scale and force.
- The density of any black hole centerpoint AKA singularity is similarly portrayed as infinite, despite the fact that its spatial dimension is zero.
- ↑ Proportionally speaking, theoretical physicists exhibit traits of apeirophobia at abnormally high rates.