Egyptian Helicopter
The term "Egyptian Helicopter Hieroglyph", or, simply, Egyptian Helicopter, refers to a specific set of carvings found in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos, Egypt that depict modern vehicles, including a helicopter, tank, a submarine and what appears to be a spaceship. The carvings are located on a lintel above a doorway in the ancient temple, which dates back to the reign of Pharaoh Seti I circa 1290 BC. Of the vehicles portrayed, the helicopter is most detailed, including a distinct cockpit, tail, and rotor blades. Said heiroglyph's startling accuracy and mysterious origin has contributed to helicopter fetishism, and connects with other ancient-futuristic vehicular depictions including the Biblical Spaceships of Ezekiel, the Merkabah in Jewish Mysticism, the Vaimanika Shastra of Hindu Mysticism and various verbal histories from the Dogon people of West Africa. Despite their accuracy and detail, Dr. Mark Lenher, an archaeologist, high-end tour-guide and all-around killjoy has professionally claimed the figures to be resultant of palimpsest.