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[related: Dead Lord, Phantom Access Technologies (PAT)] [see also: Lord Digital]

A legendary and controversial early Internet Service Provider (ISP) in New York City, founded in 1991 by Dead Lord and Lord Digital, former members of the Legion of Doom hacking group. Mindvox wasdeveloped by the parent company Phantom Access Technologies (PAT) and launched via a Bulletin Board test message posted by the infamous hacker Phiber Optik of the Masters of Deception while waiting for a Manhattan Grand Jury Indictment. The initial opening of Mindvox as a public ISP was announced via the essay "Voices in My Head" by Lord Digital, outlining his vision for cyberspace (a term coined by novelist and poet William Gibson) and detailing his experience as both hacker and narcotics addict. The service was riddled with in-jokes (often profane) and intentional obfuscation, eventually folding due to the instability of its leadership structure, despite lucrative buyout offers from both Ma Bell and Viacom, although rumors of a continuing deep web invitation only "shadow service" continue to this day (perhaps speaking to a "pink twilight"). While active, MindVox was a digital locus point for discussions on various forms of harm reduction including drug legalization and LGBT rights and notable for its role in the dissemination of William Gibson's Agrippa in 1992 via staged "leak". The adherence to cyberpunk aesthetics and values throughout MindVox's existence stands in stark contrast to the concurrent emerging greed and corporatization of various Silicon Valley companies, even those launched by former hackers and techno-activists.

Throughout the 1990's, MindVox was used by its founders as a conduit for further PAT tech initiatives. Shortly following the ISP's initial debut, a rudimentary web logging (or blogging) platform was released. Dubbed Code-X Digital, the site failed to garner heavy traffic aside from a small group of off-puttingly dedicated acolytes. In the waning years of MindVox's functionality,Phantom Archives (PA) was introduced by PAT as a platform for user-generated digital documentation. Despite PA's comically impractical bandwidth demands, it became a vital tool in the documentation of anti-commercial art and music [1] in New York City.

MindVox off-topic warning message:

-=/[ This Message Has Been FLUNG to the r0mPEr-RuM ]/=-

                                   \- \/
                          <((_))  MindVox  ((_))>
                           \- \/(:::::::::)\- \/
                                   \- \/

-=/[ You have No Rights / [%] Symbolic Iron Cross [%] / Fascism & Tyranny ]/=- We have found it necessary to violate your civil rights and CENSOR you. Please refrain from engaging in any further THOUGHT CRIMES. You will not receive additional warnings, consider yourself fortunate.

href#[Hyperbolic Time Chamber] :: Pink Twilight.

  1. In particular the No Wave music scene and neighboring worlds of experimental jazz, hip-hop, classical, and rhythm & blues.