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Octagon of DexΩ

Mildy experimental rock group active throughout the 1980's. Known primarily for scoring a number of promising but ill-fated television series, many in collaboration with the writer/director/producer Steven Bochco. The group's only commercial release was self-titled, and included their most successful single, also called Octagon of Dex - a song originally composed for the Neuromancer spin-off show Wintermute. The group's connection to Gibson's novel preceded their work on the series - their name is an appropriation of William Gibson's term for a pill of amphetamine [1] Infighting within the group often led to controversial musical choices, particularly in reference to the frequency, length, and instrument choice of non-vocal solos [2]. Although the group never established a mainstream commercial presence, its credit and montage scoring on shows like SKYNET SYNDROME, Otherworld, Airwolf, and My Nepenthe are notable for their compositional depth and [attempts at] high-level musicianship. The group disbanded following repeated attempts to score the opening of an aborted Neon Genesis Evangelion American reboot.

href#[Phantom Archives] :: Octagon of Dex.
  1. In fact, Bochco's initial introduction to the group came through his exhaustive Neuromancer research.
  2. Culminating in the seemingly endless fretless bass solos throughout the SKYNET SYNDROME score.