Captain Crunch AKA Crunch AKA The Crunch Man
Born John Thomas Draper, Captain Crunch is a notorious hacker and one of the founders of the phone phreaking movement. Operating in the wake of the legendary Joybubbles, Crunch reportedly used a whistle from a Captain Crunch box to blow 2600 hertz tone to trigger switches. Following years of lengthy and costly legal battles stemming from his hacking activities, Crunch established a brief and ill-fated relationship with IBM, for a time earning high six figures working out of his van in a Silicon Valley parking lot. A self-described itinerant hippy vagabond, Crunch ascribes to a marijauna-fueled nomadic lifestyle and is amongst the foremost proponents of kinesiology (discredited) [1].
- ↑ As noted in the University of Pennsylvania's The Parralax, Crunch for a time launched his own (unlicensed) pop-up kinesiology practice, closing less than a year later following multiple allegations of attempted sexual assault and unwanted sexual advances, including forceable partially-clothed "piggyback riding" sessions.