Behold a Pale Horse
Controversial book by professional conspiracy theorist, radio host, ufologist, and Vietnam veteran Milton William Cooper. Behold a Pale Horse outlines a veritable cornucopia of fringe theories, including:
- HIV/AIDS was created in a government lab to target homosexuals.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower negotiated a secret treaty with extraterrestrials in 1954 allowing for a limited a number of annual human abductions.
- John F. Kennedy was on the precipice of revealing the presence of a shadow "Alien Nation" when he was assassinated [1]
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was created by the Illuminati.
- Aliens control the general population via various secret societies, religions, and mythological systems, including freemasonry, Christianity, and the occult. In Cooper's view, the Illuminati were also under extraterrestrial governance.
Cooper, along with John Lear, outcast heir to Learjet fortune, was active on early UFO-based UseNet BBS systems, posting numerous exposes on the Dulce Base, an underground research facility under the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border operated jointly by humans and aliens. David Icke would later extensively cite and expand on Cooper's writings in relation to the Silurian Hypothesis. A lifelong milarist, Cooper was killed by police after shooting a sheriff's deputy in the head while resisting arrest for tax evasion.
- ↑ Assassinated not by bullet, but by an alien-built gas pressure device developed as part of the Trilateral Commission.