The founder and leader of Carthage, a Phoenecian city-state located modern day Tunisia. Dido's relationship with the showboating Trojan hero Aeneas was widely and famously chronicled in Virgils' Aeneid. Extant portrayals of Dido's character, background, and rise to prominence are widely contradictory. She was painted somewhat chauvinistically as a bashful and passive romantic by both Virgil and Henry Purcell, composer of the 1683 English language opera Dido and Aeneas. Modern portrayals of Dido are more prone to factor in the bloodlust and ruthlessness required to conquer foreign lands in the Iron Age - REDACTED in fact presents Dido as a sexually liberated and violent yet highly principled leader riddled with guilt over her misguided infatuation with Aeneas, a modern day "sports bro".
Featuring the Illuminati Quartet.