Prominent but, by many metrics, milquetoast Los Angeles-based hair metal outfit founded by Donald Maynard Dokken [1], a former carpenter, in 1978. Originally dubbed "The Boyz", Dokken experienced simultaneous but contradictory commercial success and critical failure throughout the 1980's. The group's zenith was, objectively, the hit "In My Dreams" off their 1986 full-length release Under Lock and Key. The song's bizarre-yet-innovative video became a staple on Warner-Amex Satellite Productions's Music Television. Throughout the song's three-and-a-half minutes, the band's locale alternates between a black box soundstage in the (inexplicably) pouring rain (water), a fake desert and some kind of infinite gridded space with floating LCD "memory screens" (aether). The screens themselves feature members of the group performing against backdrops of flames (fire) and moving clouds (air) [2].
- ↑ Despite the general banal straightforwardness of the band's musical output, Donald Dokken considered himself a bit of a sophsticate and mystic, drawing loosely from the surface concepts of Sacred Geometry and Gnosticism to guide certain aspects of the group's image and artistic direction.
- ↑ The four Plantonic Solids represented in two-dimensional grid or net form.